Fixtures: Division 2
12/09/2024   Week: 1      
12/09/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
12/09/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A4 499v4343 Alford A15
12/09/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
12/09/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A5 484v4642 Warrington Cons13
12/09/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B4 518v4963 Woolston C12
12/09/2024Thursday26 The Grange B3 448v4494 St Benedicts11
12/09/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
12/09/2024Thursday28 Walkers B7 575v4470 Deaf Social B9
19/09/2024   Week: 2      
18/09/2024Wednesday215Alford A5 518v5092 Woolston B1
18/09/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C4 472v4443 Deaf Social A2
18/09/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons 0 v0 ByeBye3
18/09/2024Wednesday212Woolston C2 445v5555 Penketh Cons A4
19/09/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
19/09/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
19/09/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
19/09/2024Thursday216Alford B4 506v4323 Walkers B8
26/09/2024   Week: 3      
26/09/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
26/09/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
26/09/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
26/09/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
26/09/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
26/09/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
26/09/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
25/09/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
03/10/2024   Week: 4      
02/10/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
02/10/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
03/10/2024Thursday111St Benedicts 0 v0 ByeBye3
03/10/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
03/10/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
03/10/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
03/10/2024Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
02/10/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
10/10/2024   Week: 5      
10/10/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
10/10/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
10/10/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
10/10/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
10/10/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
10/10/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
09/10/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
09/10/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
17/10/2024   Week: 6      
17/10/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
17/10/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
17/10/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B 0 v0 ByeBye3
17/10/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
17/10/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
17/10/2024Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
16/10/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
16/10/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
24/10/2024   Week: 7      
24/10/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
24/10/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
24/10/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
24/10/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
24/10/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
23/10/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
23/10/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
23/10/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
31/10/2024   Week: 8      
31/10/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
31/10/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
31/10/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons 0 v0 ByeBye3
31/10/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
31/10/2024Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
31/10/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
31/10/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
30/10/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
07/11/2024   Week: 9      
07/11/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
07/11/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
07/11/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
07/11/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
06/11/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
06/11/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
06/11/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
06/11/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
14/11/2024   Week: 10     
14/11/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
14/11/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
14/11/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B 0 v0 ByeBye3
14/11/2024Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
14/11/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
14/11/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
14/11/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
14/11/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
21/11/2024   Week: 11     
21/11/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
21/11/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
21/11/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
20/11/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
20/11/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
20/11/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
20/11/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
21/11/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
28/11/2024   Week: 12     
28/11/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
28/11/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
28/11/2024Thursday216Alford B 0 v0 ByeBye3
28/11/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
28/11/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
28/11/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
28/11/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
28/11/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
05/12/2024   Week: 13     
05/12/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
05/12/2024Thursday22 Deaf Social A 0 v0 ByeBye3
04/12/2024Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
04/12/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
04/12/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
04/12/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
05/12/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
05/12/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
12/12/2024   Week: 14     
12/12/2024Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
12/12/2024Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
12/12/2024Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
12/12/2024Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
12/12/2024Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
12/12/2024Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
12/12/2024Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
12/12/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
19/12/2024   Week: 15     
19/12/2024Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
18/12/2024Wednesday215Alford A 0 v0 ByeBye3
18/12/2024Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
18/12/2024Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
18/12/2024Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
19/12/2024Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
19/12/2024Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
19/12/2024Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
09/01/2025   Week: 16     
09/01/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
08/01/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
08/01/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C 0 v0 ByeBye3
08/01/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
08/01/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
09/01/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
09/01/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
09/01/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
16/01/2025   Week: 17     
16/01/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
16/01/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
16/01/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
16/01/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
16/01/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
16/01/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
16/01/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
16/01/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
23/01/2025   Week: 18     
22/01/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
22/01/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
22/01/2025Wednesday212Woolston C 0 v0 ByeBye3
23/01/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
23/01/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
23/01/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
23/01/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
23/01/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
30/01/2025   Week: 19     
30/01/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
30/01/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
30/01/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
30/01/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
30/01/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
30/01/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
30/01/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
29/01/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
06/02/2025   Week: 20     
05/02/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
06/02/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
06/02/2025Thursday210Kings Club B 0 v0 ByeBye3
06/02/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
06/02/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
06/02/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
05/02/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
06/02/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
13/02/2025   Week: 21     
13/02/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
13/02/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
13/02/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
13/02/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
13/02/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
13/02/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
12/02/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
12/02/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
20/02/2025   Week: 22     
20/02/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
20/02/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
20/02/2025Thursday28 Walkers B 0 v0 ByeBye3
20/02/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
20/02/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
20/02/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
19/02/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
20/02/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
27/02/2025   Week: 23     
27/02/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
27/02/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
27/02/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
27/02/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
27/02/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
26/02/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
26/02/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
26/02/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
06/03/2025   Week: 24     
06/03/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
06/03/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
06/03/2025Thursday26 The Grange B 0 v0 ByeBye3
06/03/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
06/03/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
06/03/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
06/03/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
06/03/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
13/03/2025   Week: 25     
13/03/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
13/03/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
13/03/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
13/03/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
12/03/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
12/03/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
12/03/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
12/03/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
20/03/2025   Week: 26     
20/03/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
20/03/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
20/03/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A 0 v0 ByeBye3
20/03/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
20/03/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
20/03/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
20/03/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
20/03/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
27/03/2025   Week: 27     
27/03/2025Thursday21 Woolston B0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
27/03/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
27/03/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
26/03/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
26/03/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
26/03/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
26/03/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
27/03/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
03/04/2025   Week: 28     
03/04/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
03/04/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social A2
03/04/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
03/04/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
03/04/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
03/04/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
03/04/2025Thursday29 Deaf Social B0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
03/04/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
10/04/2025   Week: 29     
10/04/2025Thursday21 Woolston B 0 v0 ByeBye3
10/04/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Alford B16
09/04/2025Wednesday215Alford A0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons A4
09/04/2025Wednesday214Penketh Cons C0 0 v0 0 The Hatter B5
09/04/2025Wednesday113Warrington Cons0 0 v0 0 The Grange B6
09/04/2025Wednesday212Woolston C0 0 v0 0 Newton Cons7
10/04/2025Thursday111St Benedicts0 0 v0 0 Walkers B8
10/04/2025Thursday210Kings Club B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9
24/04/2025   Week: 30     
24/04/2025Thursday22 Deaf Social A0 0 v0 0 Woolston B1
24/04/2025Thursday 3 Bye0 0 v0 0 Alford A15
24/04/2025Thursday24 Penketh Cons A0 0 v0 0 Penketh Cons C14
24/04/2025Thursday25 The Hatter B0 0 v0 0 Warrington Cons13
24/04/2025Thursday26 The Grange B0 0 v0 0 Woolston C12
24/04/2025Thursday27 Newton Cons0 0 v0 0 St Benedicts11
24/04/2025Thursday28 Walkers B0 0 v0 0 Kings Club B10
24/04/2025Thursday216Alford B0 0 v0 0 Deaf Social B9