League Results Submission
All captains are required to ensure the Monday night match results are sent through to Gerry Barclay BEFORE 7:30pm on the Tuesday.
The results can be sent through via text, WhatsApp, e-mail, Facebook messenger or via the website results form.
A confirmation reply will be sent when the match results have been successfully received. Most results are sent through as a picture of a teams completed score card.
Please ensure the results sent include the individual match scores and ALL qualifying high-breaks made (breaks of 35 or more in Division 1, 30 or more in Division 2) for BOTH teams playing on the night.
This year failure to submit results by the required time will result in the following actions:
1st Offence - An official e-mail warning will he issued by the appropriate Division Secretary.
2nd Offence - A 6-point penalty deduction from the team.
3rd Offence - A 9-point penalty deduction from the team.
4th and subsequent offence - A 12-point penalty deduction from the team.